Hello from Selva Del Mar,
It is truly amazing how quickly everything is transformed when rainy season begins. It is all so lushly verdant now. It seems as if it happens overnight.
Here on lot 5 you can clearly see Pie de Gigante.

Turn around, and this is your view to the east. Classic central american coastal forest.

The Malinche trees are blooming.

Here's a little glimpse of Panga Drops and Los Perros, taken from lot 4. We scored some really good surf. We drove to the side south of Rio Colorado, scoring a fun session with Timmy Reyes and others. The prior day, we had lunch at Rancho Santana while watching Timmy and Damien Hobgood put on a show at First Peak.
A couple of days later, Gray and I surfed it alone during mid-afternoon. What more can you ask for than a father, son surf session, trading waves with nobody out? Gray's positioning and tube riding skills are at a really high level now. The next day, we shared it with four or five other guys, and I got a barrel with not a drop out of place, looking out the rabbit hole for the whole wave, emerging dry. That hasn't happened often enough lately and it just felt sublime. Gray was really an inspiration with his backdoor approach to the wedgy board breaker.

But back to Selva Del Mar. We completed the planter area at the entrance gate.

The gutters are in along the entrance

Respecting what is already there.

Here is Juancho, with Gray's new puppy, "Killer." This is the rockwork leading to the creek crossing.

Gray, checking out the construction on Joe's house at lot 33.

Looking down at Joe's house from lot 16.
Lot 29 has been sold to South African surfer/teacher Colin. Congratulations Colin, and welcome to the family
of Selva Del Mar lot owners.

Our Cuidador, Vidal, is doing a great job with the garden.

If it's not growing at Selva Del Mar, you can probably get it from the produce truck that stops in front of our casita.

Filete is doing well. It was fun to ride him up to the top of Selva Del Mar in the morning for a quick surf check.

The water system is being installed.

For my last evening before returning home, we decided to have a little fiesta. We bought a pig. Juan Tomas killed and butchered it.

Here is Gloria, getting the pork ready for Nacatamales.

With kids and grandkids nearby, Gloria carefully wraps some pork, corn meal, tomatoes, onions, and mint into a banana leaf.

Gloria's daughter ties off the package.

And into the pot it goes.
Have you ever grilled pork on the grill of a fan, over an open wood fire? Yummy!
The boys whoop it up with local community leader and Selva Del Mar Sales agent, Zacharias Martinez Lopez.
Later, Gray and his beautiful novia, Yamali are all smiles, happy to have each other.

Beware, the empty bottle of Flor de Cana!
Travis came over to share in the festivities.

Our next door neighbor, Hebe, aka "Toro" will have to wait for a better close up shot.
We love being part of the community, sharing beautiful Gigante with those for whom it has always been home. Thanks to all the locals who make us feel so welcome. In my next update, I'll tell you all about the first home game in 7 years for the local Gigante baseball team that we are supporting .