Hola Amigos,

We are making more improvements to the infrastructure at Selva Del Mar. Here are some pictures of the drainage work we are doing. I know, you probably aren't too entertained by construction oriented pictures, but it's important to keep moving forward with making Selva Del Mar an even better place to be. And we want to show you that we take these things seriously and that we are committed to the project. We want to get as much of this drainage work done before the usual May rains start in earnest. Early May saw some great surf in southern Nicaragua. Check out www.nicaraguasurfreport.com, especially the May 7th photos. There, you will see Gray and his friends Mateo, Chris (Bubby) and others scoring big time. The fishing and diving have been improving too. By the way, did you see our ads on Nicaragua Surf Report? We have a promotion going for the next 3 lots sold, 33% off. We already sold two lots on the promotion, so there is only one

more opportunity to take advantage. This is a great time to take advantage of low prices. We will even work out a financing plan for your purchase.
I just got a call from Sergio and it seems my horse, Filete, ate up most of the new grass we planted along that drainage area near the creek. It may be time to build a little corral for him before he gets into any more mischief. Sergio also told me that his mare over at Bella Mar had yet another foal. We don't know who the daddy is, but now he has 3 horses instead of one. Anyway, the horses have been busy! Gray, Ryan, Zach and Cody

were able to get the bar at Olas Gigantes open for Semana Santa with help from Rob Plath and Selva Del Mar lot owner Ed Schrade. That is the craziest and busiest time of year in Gigante, and all went well. Now they are working on the kitchen and then they will focus on getting the lodging ready. Soon, you will have more choices of places to stay in Gigante. Rob Dull's Hotel Brio has been improved. www.hotelbrio.com. Joe's place, here at Selva Del Mar, is available for room rental. www.joestropicalcribs.com. And soon,

you can stay on the beach at the boy's place, Olas Gigantes (OG's for short). If you want more upscale high end lodging, you can stay at our Villa Espiral in Rancho Santana. www.villaespiral.com. Gray tells me Ed has been charging Selva Del Mar on his mountain bike. Yeah Ed! Send me some pics! We also wanted to let you know that Adam Monaghan is doing good things in Gigante with his Project Woo. www.projectwoo.org. This is a great way to give back to the local community. Project Woo operates from Joe's house at Selva Del Mar. Please consider making a donation to this worthy cause. We hope you can come down and visit us soon. Saludes! www.sdmnica.com