Hi Folks, here's the latest progress report from Selva Del Mar. Since our last report, we have sold lots 32, 33, 34 and 35. That leaves only one of our $25,000 lots, and that's lot 29. We have 5 lots left at $30,000, but if you want to get in on our least expensive (but still beautiful) lots, I wouldn't wait much longer.
We fixed up the road to the top, as you can see from the first two pics.

We have completed the gaviones improvement project on the curve between lots 9 and 10. This pic shows the peanut grass on the right side of the road.
Here are the finished gaviones on the downslope side of the road. The Espadillo were planted below the gaviones because they have a good root system to help prevent erosion.
Good progress is being made up top near lots 4-6.
We drilled a second well, behind the Casitas, at the end of the row of fruit trees.
It is 150 feet deep and initial reports suggest it will produce 20 gallons per minute.

We are looking forward to building a casa for our buyer of lot 33. Construction is projected to start in early 2008, so we'll be ready when it's time to hook up the water.
Finally, our architect, Pepe Tercero reports that his ace student, Juan Camilo is attending a conference in Colombia with world renowned master Bamboo architect, Simon Velez. I mentioned to Pepe our interest in a walking bridge across the creek, and here are the pics he sent me.
Wow. A that's a good sized truck. Maybe it doesn't have to be walking only.
We will have more to report on the Bamboo project next month.
We will have more to report on the Bamboo project next month.
Thank you, Rick and Sergio, for the new pics and info on the well. There are many obstacles and frustrations to overcome in a project like this. It takes both patience and persistence. You guys have used both to move this project forward. Kudos to you for keeping us moving in the right direction.