If 2008 bucked you right into the dust....or gored you in the gut.....

If 2009 is staring you down and you feel like a target....

If the herd even seems spooky...

If you are yoked and mired.....
If the vultures are gathering,
to pick your bones clean...
If the outhouse walls are falling in on you and the whole world is watching....
take heart! There is light at the end of the tunnel.
Just say a prayer, take a deep breath, and visualize...
a beautiful place, sacred to your soul.
Find that place in your mind's eye,
and be there now!
Imagine a point, leading to...
an empty beach...
See the whole breadth of it all...

Walk that beach and hear the beat of the swell.
Be grateful that you can go there now, seeing with your mind's eye. Keep that peace and joy you feel when you imagine the best in the moment.
Then go make it real.